The Rise of Asian Advertising

Won Ho Chang 지음

판매가(적립금) 25,000 (1,250원)
분류 나남신서 22
면수 287
발행일 1995-03-30
총 도서 금액     25,000
The Rise of Asian Advertising Edited by Won Ho Chang(Professor and Chair, Advertising Department School of Journalism, Uni
versity of Missouri), Teddy Spha Palasthira(Visiting Professor, School of Journalism, University of Missouri), Hung Kyu Kim(Professor and Chair, Mass
Communication Department, Hankook University
of Foreign Studies Mass Communication)
1. Asia 2001

2. Japan/Far East of Eden

3. China/Western Symbols Are In

4. Korea/The Korean Miracle

5. Hong Kong/Western Oriented Bourgeoisie

6. Taiwan/Unabashed Materialism

7. Singapore/As Mundane as the Mall

8. Malaysia/Three Languages, One Standard

9. Indonesia/Back to the Beginning the

10. Philippines/Still in the Fifties

11. Thailand/Prolific Anarchy

12. India/Time Stopped Still

13. Vietnam/Just Beginnig

14. The Asia Challenge
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